Warman Eyecare
1-100 6 Ave S Warman SK S0K 0A1 (306) 242-4433

(306) 700-3471

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Warman, SK / (306) 242-4433

Does Sask Health Cover Eye Exams for Children?

Does Sask Health Cover Eye Exams for Children?

A child is getting an eye exam administered by a healthcare professional.

For parents in Saskatchewan, ensuring the health and well-being of your children is a top priority. One aspect of their health that shouldn’t be overlooked is their vision. 

Regular eye exams are essential for detecting vision problems early and ensuring your child can see clearly, which is crucial for their learning and development. But you may be wondering, does Sask Health cover eye exams for children? Well, simply put, Sask Health covers the cost of one annual comprehensive eye exam for children and teenagers up to the age of 17.

Understanding Sask Health Coverage for Eye Exams

In Saskatchewan, the provincial health plan, known as Sask Health, does provide coverage for certain eye care services. This coverage includes annual eye exams for children under the age of 18, ensuring that young residents have access to essential eye care. Additionally, specific medical conditions may also qualify for coverage, such as diabetes-related eye exams or treatment for diagnosed eye diseases.

However, there are some important details to keep in mind, such as the fact that routine eye exams for adults are not typically covered, and certain procedures or treatments may require prior approval or a referral from a healthcare provider. It’s always advisable to check with Sask Health or your eye care professional to understand the extent of your coverage and any potential out-of-pocket costs.

What is Covered?

Sask Health covers the cost of one annual comprehensive eye exam for children and teenagers up to the age of 17. This coverage ensures that your child’s vision is regularly monitored, allowing for early detection of any potential issues such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or other vision problems.

Regular eye exams are crucial in maintaining eye health, as they can help detect conditions that might not yet show obvious symptoms. Early intervention can prevent the progression of vision issues and support better overall eye health, enabling children to perform better in school and daily activities.

What is Not Covered?

While the annual comprehensive eye exam for children is covered by Sask Health, there are some limitations to the coverage. For instance, any additional eye exams within the same year may not be covered unless they are deemed medically necessary by an eye care professional. 

This means that if a child develops a vision problem or eye condition that requires further examination, parents might have to bear the cost themselves unless a healthcare provider justifies the necessity of the subsequent exams.

Additionally, the cost of eyeglasses, contact lenses, or other corrective vision devices is not covered under Sask Health. These expenses can add up, especially if a child’s prescription changes frequently or if they require specialized lenses or frames. 

To help manage these costs, families may consider setting aside a budget for vision care or exploring private insurance options that include coverage for corrective devices. Ensuring children have access to the necessary vision care is crucial for their development and academic performance, making it important to plan for these potential expenses.

A child is undergoing an eye exam which is covered annually by Sask Health.

Why Regular Eye Exams are Important

Regular eye exams are crucial for children for several reasons:How to Schedule an Eye Exam for Your Child

  • Early Detection of Vision Problems: Many vision issues, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, can go unnoticed without a professional eye exam. Early detection and treatment are key to preventing long-term vision problems. Catching these issues early can make a significant difference in your child’s quality of life and overall development.
  • Academic Performance: Clear vision is essential for reading, writing, and overall academic success. Undetected vision problems can lead to difficulties in school, such as trouble with reading comprehension, writing legibly, and focusing on the board. These challenges can hinder your child’s learning experience and potentially affect their confidence and motivation in school.
  • Overall Eye Health: Eye exams can also detect other eye health issues, such as infections, allergies, or conditions like amblyopia (lazy eye), which can be treated more effectively if caught early. In addition to checking for refractive errors, eye exams can uncover signs of more serious health problems like diabetes or hypertension, which can manifest in the eye.

Regular visits to an eye care professional ensure that any potential issues are identified and addressed promptly, helping to protect and preserve your child’s vision and overall eye health. By making eye exams a routine part of your child’s healthcare, you can support their visual development and academic success, while also safeguarding against future vision problems.

Scheduling an eye exam for your child is simple. You can contact an optometrist or eye care clinic in your area to book an appointment. It’s recommended to choose a clinic with experience in pediatric eye care to ensure your child receives the best possible care.

Contact Broadway Eyecare in Saskatoon, SK

If you’re in Saskatoon, we recommend reaching out to Broadway Eyecare. Their team of experienced optometrists specializes in pediatric eye care and can provide comprehensive eye exams for your child. They will guide you through the process, answer any questions you may have, and ensure your child’s vision is in top shape.Contact Broadway Eyecare today to schedule an eye exam for your child and learn more about what’s covered under Sask Health. Your child’s vision is too important to leave to chance.

Visit Our Office

Warman Eyecare is worth the visit! Stop in to say hi, and to meet our staff. We’re down the street from the high school on Klassen Street and 6th Avenue, directly behind the Tim Hortons.

Saskatoon Cityscape


Warman Eyecare
100 6th Avenue South,
Warman, SK, S0K 4S0

Contact Number

Phone: (306) 242-4433
After Hours Emergencies: (306) 371-9911
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 306-242-8674

Hours of Operation

Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed, but we’d be happy to see you at Stonebridge Eyecare, Broadway Eyecare, Brighton Eyecare, or Invision Eyecare!
Sundays: Closed
Holidays: Closed

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